Title: Unsent Letters
Author: Andi
E-mail: andreaklinefelter@yahoo.com
Summary: Giles has an interesting pastime.
Spoilers: none
Rating: U
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters. They are owned by Joss Whedon, the WB, Fox, Mutant Enemy, Kuzui Productions, and anyone else with the correct papers.
Feedback: Yes, please.
Notes: Written on 5/21/00. Around 2 a.m. Forgive me if it sucks. And I tried to turn off the smart quotes, but I don't thinks Word likes me. Sorry Kate.
As Willow waited for Giles in his apartment, she noticed a crumpled paper ball under his desk near the wastebasket. She picked it up and dropped it into the basket. After a moment, her curiosity got the best of her and she reached in the basket and retrieved the paper. She smoothed it out and began to read a letter that had been written to her in Giles' hand.
How many times have I written this letter? One hundred times, two hundred, five? Like the others, you will never see this. Nor will I ever tell you what has been true since I met you. That I love you more than any man has ever loved a woman. The mythic loves of gods and goddesses pale in the presence of my love for you. It is a chaste and full and complete love I have. No being has ever made me feel the way you do. Your slightest touch sends me to heaven. You beautiful eyes leave me breathless. I can feel your soul singing sweet love songs to mine. My heartbeat synchronizes with yours when you are near me. I love you in ways poets only dream of. You are beauty, personified. To kiss you would be
The letter ended. Tears poured down Willow's pale face. She couldn't believe what she was reading was Giles thinking about her. She had never even had the faintest idea that he realized she was a woman, and not just one of the Slayerettes. She quickly scanned the page again, trying to memorize as many words as she could.
When she heard the key in the lock, she crumpled the paper again and tossed it into the trash. She wiped her eyes and watched Giles walk in the door.
"Is everything alright, Willow?"
"Yes, I'm fine."
"Good. Are you ready for your lesson?"
"Actually, I'm not feeling to well just now. Maybe tomorrow, okay?"
"That's fine. I do hope you feel better.” No more concern than he would show Xander or Buffy.
Suddenly, she hugged him, hoping for some sort of sign. Having gotten none, she left.
After she was safely out the door, Giles' cool exterior cracked.He had held her in his arms. He could have comforted her, as something was clearly bothering her.
Giles sat at the desk, got out a piece of paper and began, again.
Dearest Willow,
The End